Modern Slavery Agreement

Modern Slavery Agreement for Pals Creative Ltd

At Pals Creative Ltd (referred to as “the Company” or “we”), we are committed to upholding the principles of human rights, ethical business practices, and social responsibility. We recognise the significant impact that modern slavery and human trafficking can have on individuals, communities, and societies. As part of our commitment to combating these issues, we have implemented this Modern Slavery Agreement to ensure transparency and accountability within our operations and supply chains.

1. Policy Statement
1.1 The Company is committed to preventing and combating modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms, including forced labour, child labour, debt bondage, and human trafficking for labor or sexual exploitation.
1.2 We strive to maintain an organisational culture that values human rights, equality, and fair treatment of all individuals involved in our operations, including employees, suppliers, contractors, and business partners.
1.3 This Modern Slavery Agreement applies to all employees, suppliers, contractors, and business partners of the Company and sets out our commitment to eradicating modern slavery within our operations and supply chains.

2. Compliance with Laws:

2.1 The Company will comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to modern slavery, including but not limited to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (United Kingdom).
2.2 We will ensure that our policies, procedures, and practices align with the requirements of relevant legislation and any additional industry-specific standards or guidelines.

3. Risk Assessment and Due Diligence:

3.1 The Company will conduct periodic risk assessments to identify and assess the potential risks of modern slavery within our operations and supply chains.
3.2 We will implement due diligence processes to evaluate the practices and policies of our suppliers, contractors, and business partners regarding modern slavery.
3.3 Where identified risks are significant, we will take appropriate steps to mitigate and manage those risks, including engagement and collaboration with relevant stakeholders.

4. Supplier and Contractor Engagement
4.1 The Company expects our suppliers and contractors to comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to modern slavery and to adopt similar principles and practices to prevent modern slavery.
4.2 We will communicate our expectations regarding modern slavery and human trafficking to suppliers and contractors and encourage them to implement policies and practises consistent with our commitment.
4.3 We may request suppliers and contractors to provide evidence of their compliance with this Agreement, including the implementation of anti-slavery and human trafficking measures.

5. Training and Awareness:

5.1 The Company will provide training and awareness programs to our employees, especially those involved in supply chain management and procurement, to enhance their understanding of modern slavery, its risks, and prevention methods.
5.2 We will promote awareness among our suppliers, contractors, and business partners by sharing relevant information, resources, and best practices to encourage their compliance with this Agreement.

6. Reporting and Monitoring:
6.1 The Company encourages the reporting of any suspicions, concerns, or incidents related to modern slavery within our operations or supply chains. We maintain confidential reporting mechanisms to ensure the protection of whistleblowers.
6.2 We will monitor and review our policies, procedures, and practices to ensure their effectiveness in preventing and addressing modern slavery.
6.3 Progress and updates on our efforts to combat modern slavery will be communicated through our website and other appropriate channels.

7. Continuous Improvement:
7.1 The Company is committed to continuous improvement in our approach to combat modern slavery. We will regularly review and update this Agreement to reflect changing legal requirements, emerging best practices, and stakeholder expectations.
7.2 We will engage with relevant stakeholders, including NGOs, industry groups, and governmental bodies, to stay informed about evolving issues and solutions related to modern slavery.

Amy Bedford
Managing Director, Pals
27 April 2023