Festival UK*
Creativity during a global pandemic
with Festival UK* 2022
Festival UK* 2022 was a £120 million creative programme announced by the government in 2020 that would materialise into 10 major groundbreaking commissions bringing together science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. Tasked with the challenge of communicating the mission of the programme in the midst of a global pandemic, we designed a visual identity along with a suite of digital resources and went on to act as a collaborative partner.

Podcast & Mini-films
Just as Festival UK* got underway, so did the COIVD-19 global pandemic. Online was the only channel we could use to promote this huge programme packed with valuable knowledge and insights across science, technology, engineering, arts and maths. We pulled together a team of podcasters, film makers and designers to produce a suite of online material showcasing the R&D phase. Here’s an example from the podcast series.
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